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Oct 22, 2024

Employee Spotlight: Rebecca Noyes

September 8, 2017

Category: employee



SolBid is composed of hardworking individuals, each with their own unique story. Today, we are putting the Spotlight on Rebecca Noyes, Solar Energy Associate here at SolBid.

Rebecca Noyes

Rebecca has been involved in the clean energy field for sometime. She got her start at Northeastern University where she majored in political science and environmental studies. During her time at Northeastern, Rebecca completed several full-time fellowship positions, in areas including wind technology, shareholder advocacy, and energy democracy. She has also worked at forward-thinking organizations such as Cleantech Open Northeast, who helps accelerate the development and growth of early-stage clean technology startups.

Rebecca is passionate about helping move our energy systems away from fossil fuels and towards more sustainable energies. She got her start at SolBid as a intern under the MassCEC clean internship program and has been a full-time employee since grduating in May. 

I recently sat down with Rebecca and here is what she had to say:

What inspires you to work above and beyond?
"I am inspired by the growing renewable energy industry. It is a great feeling to be a part of that transition by introducing solar energy to companies who otherwise may not have considered it. I have also enjoyed my time with SolBid itself- I have fantastic colleagues, and I feel grateful to be growing as a leader in the clean energy field."

How has SolBid helped you in your career development?
"I am gaining a more comprehensive understanding about the technical aspect of renewables, especially when I have the opportunity to go on site visits and coordinate with utility companies. I have also improved my communication and project management skills, which I am certain I will carry with me throughout my career.

What do you find most challenging about your role at SolBid? What do you find most rewarding?
œI believe that timing is the most challenging part of my job. Often when I approach companies, solar may not be on their to-do list at the moment, and sometimes companies have already installed solar. But it is very rewarding when I am able to get to the phase of a site visit and see everything coming together. Helping companies enter into the rapidly growing solar energy sphere is the most exciting part.

What does a good leader look like to you?
œA good leader speaks to an intern in the same way they would speak to a CFO. They are respectful, take the time to get to know you, and are always willing to lend a hand. They are able to provide feedback and invest in making sure their employees are confident and comfortable in their position. This has been my experience at SolBid, which makes my job all the better.

What hobbies do you have?
œI am an avid yogi and practice several times a week- if you can't find me at my desk, you can likely find me at my studio! I am also a huge fan of bar trivia and watching horror/zombie movies in theaters or at home.

What is your Personal Mantra?
œIf I had to name one, I'd say my personal mantra is dont be afraid of change- embrace it. This is what motivates and inspires me to strive be my best self, both in and out of the office. In fact, I even have a tattoo that says œflux which reminds me to be open to constant growth and change.




Created By:Solbid Inc.